Friday, June 16, 2017

5 Powerful Winning Secrets of Life I learnt from Bishop David Oyedepo

By DunamisBlog : 

I have been following Bishop David Oyedepo for a very longtime now, and I have learnt and receive a lot from this great man of God.
He as been a Blessing countless time!
Listening to his Sermons as indeed changed my Life for Good, I have never remain the same following this anointed man of God. I know there are a lot of people across the nations of the earth that follows him and listen to him, and they have been greatly Blessed, changed, Transformed and Liberated in various ways, to God alone be all the Glory, The Liberation Mandate as been speaking in the lives of so many People globally today!

We Bless God for his Mercy, Grace and Faithfulness.
Very shortly, I want to emphasis, 5 Important Lessons of Winning in Life, That I have learned from this Prophet of God, if there is a man whose success and breakthrough is made known to all men, then, we should talk about Bishop Oyedepo, he is indeed, Successful in all areas of Life, talk about, Ministry, Sermon, Finances,MarriageMentorship, Career and all of that, he’s a true definition of Success and the Blessings of God, I have learn so many things from him and his Life, but i will just share few of them here, because of our time.


Putting God in Everything : Papa is not just a PROPHET OF GOD, He’s a Genuine Lover of God and God’s Kingdom, he’s a man full of Grace and the Holy Spirit, he is zealous for God and God’s Kingdom, he takes pleasure is advancing God’s kingdom, through every means possible, so I have learn from him, that, Truly putting God first, in your Life, puts you in the Front in Life! You can never seek God and the interest of his Kingdom and end up a dwarf in any area of your Life, when you place God, upon of your priority, you are bound to emerge a Giant, as God considers your own affair his priority too.
The Bible speaking in Matthew 6: 33 says;
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these. things shall be added unto you.
And that is why, Every Winners Chapel member, (Living Faith Church) are genuinely lover of God and God’s Kingdom, they have come to understand that seeking and serving God and the interest of God’s kingdom, is the way to go in Life and Destiny.
This is the first Secret of Winning in Life, that i learn from Bishop Oyedepo.
Knowledge is not an Option, It’s a Necessity : Knowledge is a major prerequisite for having Dominion and Commanding Exploits in any way and any aspect of Life, when you are knowledgeable, you are eligible to prosper and to break-forth, Prayer and Fasting can never replace Quality Knowledge, and knowledge is a product of Accumulation of Information, the more relevant information you gain access to, the more Knowledgeable you become, I saw that in the life of Bishop Oyedepo, he’s a deep reader, he as spent so much on Books in various aspects, searching for relevant knowledge and it’s by those knowledge that they command the exploits and breakthrough that we see in their life today.
He spends and research so much on getting knowledge, especially in the early days of the start of the ministry, he as been to America many times and spend millions of Naira on Books, this sounds crazy!
But like he said in his words “When I am done consuming the knowledge in the book, it will transform me into a producer of anything, i would have love to bought from America.
So, if you want to be great and successful, in Life, Ministry, Career, Business, and any other thing, just name it, you have to invest vastly into Knowledge, it is a key to secure Greatness, Ignorance is a facilitator of Mediocrity and Obscurity in any man, so go for knowledge, and you will command exploits!
Also Remember, the Bible says;
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; – Hosea 4:6
Every Man must Take Responsibility for his Life : Responsibility is a vital key, to Progress and Advancement in Life, no man is permitted to give excuses for his Predicament, or stagnation, every man must be willing and ready to take responsibility for his or her Life, more often than not, people are bound to giving excuses, but Responsibility is what paves way in every Difficult situations of Life.
Because, FAITH that makes God absolutely responsibility for the outcome of your Life is an irresponsible Faith, God is only committed to your Life, when you play your own part, by taking responsibility, and one of the major responsibility you must take is Obedience, Full Time Obedience to God’s instructions, empowers your Faith to speak and deliver miracles!
So if you want to go higher in Life, you must take responsibility, stop blaming others for failures and start taking responsibility, it is your winning key!
Every Man must take Responsibility for his Life, in order to advance and move forward!
The Power of God is accessible by Faith : One of the fascinating aspect of Papa Oyedepo life that got me so amazed and dazed, is the manifestation of the power of God in his Life and Ministry, the Commission commands Sweatless Breakthrough, the Church keeps advancing on every side every day!
This can only be, by the power of God.
The Power of God is what makes men to live on the earth, as though, the Devil does not exist, and it is accessible, by Faith, so if you believe in the Lord, you shall be save, you shall have whatsoever you desire, when you pray, that is what the Bible says in Mark 11:24 ,
So Faith is the link to the power of God, and Faith grows by the word of God, “Faith Cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God” – Romans 10:17 . So the more word loaded, you become, the more Faith loaded you become!
We also finds out that, We can build our Faith from one level to another level, The Bible says;
But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, – Jude 1: 20
So the more we pray in the Spirit, the more empower we become and by the virtue of the empowerment, our LEVEL OF FAITH is increased and we can command any mountain and every mountain to be lifted!
Bishop Oyedepo is a Voice in the Word of FAITH movement Globally today, not just because he preaches the word of FAith, but because, he’s living by His Faith, and we all can witness that to be true, The Bible says;
The Just shall live by his Faith –  Habakkuk 2:4
There is no Mountain too High to Climb : This also amounts to Faith! Because in this Kingdom, it is unto everyone according to his Faith, so If you can believe, all things are possible,  not some things, Let’s look at the Scriptures below;
Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you. – Matthew 9:29.
And Jesus said to him, “‘If You can?’ All things are possible to him who believes.” –  Mark 9:23
So with Faith, you can move the mountain of Life and take your desire result and breakthrough, especially, with an unwavering Faith, the more you put your trust in the Lord and not yourself, the more eligible, you become to breakforth into the next level, Nothing can hold you down, when you are operating by Faith, because the Bible Faith is based on the word of God, and the word of God, is the power at creation, the Bible says;
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. – Hebrews 11:3.
So, whatever can not stop God, can not stop Faith, and when you are operating in Faith, then you become unstoppable,.
There are so many things, I have learn from Papa, but these are some of the wisdom of Living that I learnt from Papa Oyedepo’s Life and they have helped and blessed me Greatly!
If you have learnt anything from God’s Servant, kindly drop them below and share with us, we bless God for sending us the Apostle of Liberation in this generation, so that our light can breakforth from all Obscurity, to God alone we give the Glory!

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