Friday, June 16, 2017

Why Do Bishop Oyedepo wears White Suit often ?


It was a very hilarious moment with one of my friends today, he knows i so much love Bishop with all my heart, so whenever he comes around, he will always talk one thing or the other about him, but today was a lot more different, as he asked me a very funny question, guess what he said?
He said;

I have always seen 85% of Papa’s Picture in White suits, both on Sunday and some ministration outside the church, why does he wears white suit and red tie so often?
I had to laugh… for a while, before i proceed to answer his question, because it was indeed a funny question.
Well, My response was a lot more simple, even though, I don’t know what orchestrate the decision, but i can guess and i perceive i am a little bit close to the answer.
See some of Papa’s Sessions in White Suit and Red Tie Below;

Papa is a Public figure and he is a well known minister of God, celebrated by many across the nations of the earth but at the same time, he is a prophet and he wants to impact people with the truth of GOD’s word and the mandate that was given to him, so in the bid not to get the audience too distracted, he had to put on white Suit, if he goes on designers and too flashy color stuffs, some people or most people will rather be mindful of pictures and stuffs like that and they will miss out of what he carries and what he has to offer, they will keep celebrating him.
Also, Papa is a blessed man, as in, he is a wealthy man, well known for the wealth and prosperity mandate, but at the same time, he is a priest, and he is a prophet unto nations, so the white suit and red tie thing is a lot more common with him, so his dress won’t be much of a distraction or draw unnecessary attention to him.
I must also say here, Papa Oyedepo is man of Understanding, i mean deep understanding and revelation of God’s word and Truth, White stands for Truth and Purity…. Purity is not an option for priest, it is actually their lifestyle, Purity is a state of existence for the saints of God, so it connotes Purity also, sanctification, and as a priest, it is a very good thing that he appears in White.
Finally, when Papa was coming up with serious passion for God and God’s kingdom, he as often time shares with us, how that, he had no time to go and buy clothing, he just sends someone to buy them, so papa right from time as not been a fashion freak really, he is just simple with his out look and now that God as blessed him greatly, he looks his best, though consistent, but still pretty good enough for a priest.
So, that’s my own view about it, what about you?
What do you think or say ?
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