Sunday, July 2, 2017

Hallelujah Callenge : What Next?

      So to all the Praise and Worship Faithfuls of the Hallelujah Challenge, I know most of you will start asking questions and probably the haters of the whole spiritual exercise, questions like what next, what his he going to bring up, do you think he's tired?

      Now this is my personal answer to that. The Hallelujah challenge was to bring all children of the Most High together to praise the Father and call down the presence of Olowogbogboro into the affairs of our lives. Now my question is are going to stop reading and learning and practicing just because youre no longer in school? The answer is No, so why should the questions come up. Pastor Nath has taught us all how to invoke the outstretched hand of God, now let us all go on and practise. God bless you all.

Written by: Admin

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